Tim Helmers Eulogy – Pausing Sales Babble #535

Tim Helmers Eulogy – Pausing Sales Babble #535

Last month my son Tim Helmers took his own life. It’s been devastating. Words fail to capture our grief.

I’m going to pause Sales Babble for a while. Listen for details.

Take care,



How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See https://salesbabble.com

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media https://habaneromedia.net

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