The Introverts Super Selling Powers with Beth Beulow #235

The Introverts Super Selling Powers with Beth Beulow #235

In this episode we meet Beth Beulow, author, business coach, speaker and host of the Introvert Entrepreneur Podcast. Beth is a avid proponent of the introverts super selling powers. She believes when introverts can leverage their natural gifts of listening, preparation, making people feel safe, and see selling as an educational process, they can be highly successful in sales.

Introverts, Extraverts and Ambiverts

We discussed the book To Sell Is Human by Dan Pink on the success of various personality types in the selling role. According to the book:
  • Extraverts – performed the least, too pushy, too aggressive
  • Introverts – performed better, good listeners, yet too meek
  • Ambiverts – converted sales best, a bit of both extraverts and introverts, most successful
lf you’re not connecting with the buyer it could be a lack of balance in the conversation. When you have resonance, that’s powerful selling. Not all great conversations close sales. The timing maybe wrong.  But remember, it’s a marathon not a sprint. At the very least you might get a referral.

Introvert Super Duper Sales Powers

Introverts commonly have the following characteristics. They can be powerfully leveraged for selling:
  • Sales is education. It’s only a story that sales is icky. Share what you have to offer with a focus to make their lives better (whether or not they buy).
  • Connecting one on one. Introverts commonly say they are NOT good in groups, but good one-on-one.  This is actually a super power. Sales is P2P,  person to person. If you can connect with a person, you can make a sale.
  • Listen with curiosity. Many introverts are very good at sitting back and asking questions. This is how you discover what the client needs.
  • Create safety – create an environment where people can open up. You can do this by being real and allowing people the ability to be vulnerable.
  • Preference for preparation – There is power in doing homework and researching to make sure the meeting is more productive. For many, preparation calms the nerves.
Know how you’re going to start. Know how you’re going to close and be open to how you get there. Trust yourself.

Take Action

Look at your website and ask the question, “is this differentiated from the rest? Or do I look like everyone else?”   Remember that a confused mind always says no.

How to Find Beth Beulow

You can  find Beth ALL over the internet! This is the free offer mentioned during the podcast:

Overcoming Sales Fears for Introverts

Selling For Introverts with Alen Mayer #61