What The Sport Of Fishing Can Teach Sales Professionals

FisherLadyTrying to control the mind of the buyer is like taking hold of a wet fish. The harder you squeeze it, the more likely it will wriggle free. In traditional sales are there tricks and mind games that sales professional play to “manipulate” the buyer into submitting.  Fancy closing techniques that supposedly get prospective clients to say “yes” before they know what hit them.  This is a fools errand.

Know this: you  can’t bully people into buying. With the onset of the internet, prospective clients are well versed on the options and choices. In fact there,  is too much choice. Buyers are looking for a coach, an expert in a field to help guide their purchasing experience. This is the mindset of the savvy sales professional.

Like the  fisherman,  be patient. Listen for their needs and take good notes. If you can serve their needs, you will build credibility. With trust comes business, with trust come  loyal customers.





2 Replies to “What The Sport Of Fishing Can Teach Sales Professionals”

  1. Hey Pat- I’d like to share this on my FB page! I think this should be “spoken” aloud more often and your analogy is perfect!

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