How To Sell a Software App with Jason Criddle #149

How To Sell a Software App with Jason Criddle #149

Jason Criddle is the founder of the Smart App Company. In this episode Jason walks us through the story of the roll out of the Smartrapp app. They started with zero sales and grew it to success. We talk about how to sell a software app and the power of  building an Idea from the prospective of an  investor. Also how you should build a  business from the perspective of customers, how to present a need to engage qualified prospects, the importance of building a beta product to get market feedback and then how to ask for the sale and scale those sales up.

Jason is the author of the bestselling book Outgrow – Become Valuable. Today’s conversation shows a concrete example how Jason did exactly that.

An Idea Does Not Make a Business

To go from ideation to creation takes work. Jason shares tips on this process on how to sell a software app, as well as how to start a startup. We  kicked off the conversation with the concept that the IDEA does not make a business. It starts with revenue:

  1.  Make a Sale: The way you know you have a business is when you make your first sale.  Make your first sale to an investor.
    • Build your idea  from an investors perspective.
    • Build your business from a clients perspective
  2. Present a Need – instead of telling ask if they have a need you can fulfill (See the film Wolf On Wall Street)
  3. Build a Beta Product – Listen to users  and analyze data. Knock on doors and build rapport.
  4. Ask for the Sale – Get users to buy, whether or not they agree to buy provides tremendous input to your product
  5. Build an anchor client ( a recognizable customer build trust and rapport).
  6. Follow Up!

How To Find Jason Criddle

To learn more about Jason and how to sell a software app you can find him here:

People can also get in touch with Mr. Criddle by downloading The Jason App from the App Store or Google play.

Startup Mindset

Here are some other episodes the discuss the entrepreneurial mindset. Listen now!