Erase Your Fear of Cold Calling #526

Erase Your Fear of Cold Calling #526

Have you ever noticed how we all get a little jittery when it comes to cold calling? It’s like we’d rather face a dentist’s drill than pick up that phone! A lady once told me never did vacuuming look so good as when it was time to make a cold call. But here’s the kicker: doing nothing just makes the jitters worse. On the flip side, taking action? Well, that’s where the magic happens. In today’s episode, we’re diving into the psychology of our phone phobia and embracing a wu-wei approach. Instead of dodging the discomfort, let’s lean into it and see it for what it really is. Bottom line: it’s not as scary as it seems. After listening to today’s episode when you’re hesitating to make that call, you’ll remember: acceptance is your secret weapon to conquer cold calling fear!

Today’s Chapter – Erase the Fear of Cold Calling

The journey of a closed deal
Begins with a single cold call.

While some fear 
others embrace it.
Knowing that while those who can manage others are powerful,
those who manage their fears are mightier still.

The Master Seller anticipates a difficult sale
by managing expectations.

Separating the wheat from the chaff.
they use a numbers game
to create opportunities.

Today’s Story

Chris had wanted to get into sales for quite some time and transferred excitedly into an SDR role. But the job wasn’t what Chris thought it would be. Each calling session was a hamster wheel of rude responses, hang-ups, and rejection. Soon Chris’s pace slowed and Pat noticed it.

“What’s going on?” asked Pat. “You were so excited when you started!”

“I know,” responded Chris. “I guess I’m not cut out for cold calling. Everybody I call hates me.”

Pat laughed. “That’s not true! The trick is to remember it’s just business. Not everyone we call is qualified or ready to buy. Often the timing isn’t good or they have more pressing matters at hand. Only 1 out of 20 calls are going to be prospects somewhat interested in what we provide. Let’s find success in that percentage rate. If we just do our job, it will all work out. Eventually, you’ll meet people we can help. It’s just a matter of patience. Don’t forget, you have the most important role in the company!”

“What do you mean by that?” said Chris. “The most important role?”

Pat responded, “This entire company would grind to a halt if we stopped closing sales. It’s a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. I know! But I’m certain you can do it.”

That afternoon, Pat cleared their schedule and for the rest of the day they worked on how to erase Chris’s fear of cold calling.

Take Action Quote

Selling isn’t something to be feared, but to be understood. When sellers conquer fear, they learn a broader insight on life. Each of us must confront our fears, facing them head-on. How we handle fear determines how we spend our lives. Do we live a life filled with regret, or do we experience the joy of adventure? 

Lao Tzu wrote, “Act without doing, work without effort. Think of the small as large and the few as many. Confront the difficult while it is still easy, accomplish the great task by a series of small acts.” (TTC #63)

As they say, you eat an elephant a bite at a time. You can’t eat it all at once. The same is true when selling. You just need some momentum. How do you build momentum? You start with a simple phone call.

Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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Echoes Across The Tracks with Dave Moravec #525

Echoes Across The Tracks with Dave Moravec #525

To grow a business you need to be in constant contact with strangers who may become new prospective customers. If we don’t put effort into meeting new people, growth can stagnate. For many, this is a very uncomfortable situation. Growth requires putting yourself out there, so it begs the question what’s the best way to get comfortable, being uncomfortable? Today we take a break from the Tao of Sales Babble and meet the author of a newly published book now available on Amazon. The author is my good friend, and former guest Dave Moravec who spins a tale about an unexpected connection with a New Orleans cab driver that leads Charlie, a Business Consultant and Author, to hear Echoes Across the Tracks.

Business Interactions that Create Personal Transformation

Without sharing spoilers in this book, Charlie expects a routine flight to O’Hare Airport, yet becomes drawn into a 20-hour adventure aboard a high-speed Amtrak train covering an amazing 944-mile journey. During his travels, Charlie encounters charismatic business people and fun characters who hop on and off 18 historic train stations in a feel-good story that offers a personal transformation. In the hours that pass, newfound friendships lead to lessons that prompt reflection on your own experiences and life choices. Dave’s book leaves you with a smile and a sense of purpose as you join Charlie on this unforgettable trip to Chicago.

How To Connect With Dave Moravec

Dave Moravec is an accomplished business leader with over 40 years of experience in a variety of industries, including educational technology and printing. A Chicago native transplanted in Cincinnati, Dave’s consultative approach to fractional sales management and chamber of commerce growth has him in high demand as a respected speaker, storyteller, and entrepreneurial therapist. Dave currently serves as President and CEO of the Colerain Chamber of Commerce and consults with clients as Sales Manager for Rent.



Episode 194:  Interview on Voice Mail 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How To Know When It’s Time To Pitch #524

How To Know When It’s Time To Pitch #524

This week I babble some on some experiences I’ve had sellers clumsily pitch me on something I have no interest in. You’ve probably experienced this too. Lao Tzu has some thoughts on this. He spoke about labeling, judging, and the issues that come with language. In our situation, this episode discusses how to know when it’s time to pitch. We also talk about slowing down the sale. This way, sellers can fully understand the prospect’s problems, issues, and desires. There is no reason to guess what matters to the buyers. If you ask and fully listen to their response, you’ll have all you need to solve their problem. When to pitch, that’s the topic for today.

To understand
we label buyers by what we see.
But labels have limits
only describing the obvious,
ignoring the subtle.

When you see beyond the label
you sense the true nature of the buyer.
Accept them for who they are
and help them where they’re at.  

Look beyond the obvious.
Wake up to the true nature of the buyer
and speak to it.

Today’s Story

On the sales call, Chris quickly built rapport with Lee the prospect. Next, Chris asked about their business challenges. Lee explained how they have three big problems and then explained the last few month’s quality issues. Immediately Chris jumped on the quality problems and started explaining how their company had a new program that eliminates defects. Chris pressed Lee into a demonstration on defect elimination. Reluctantly Lee agreed and at the end of the call. Chris tried to close the deal. But Lee was hesitant to take the next step. The call ended with no action taken.

Afterward, Pat and Chris huddled to discuss the deal.

“What could I have done to close Lee?” asked Chris. “Listen to the recordings. Did I mess up the demo?”

Pat listened and before the demo started, Pat stopped the recording and said, “Lee mentioned they had three issues, but you never got to all three. Instead, you focused on the first issue, the quality difficulties. Why?”

Chris responded, “Well I knew we had a solution for that.”

Pat went on, “What you did was to put Lee in a little box and label it QUALITY. Who knows what other pressing issues they’ve got. We can only guess. Quality problems may not be at the top of their list. This is a common mistake. Sellers often pounce on the first problem they hear. But there could be others.

Slow down, Chris. Take your time. Let the buyer place ALL their problems on the table. Then it’s time to speak.”

Take Action Quote

Too often sellers get impatient. They ask a question and start talking when they hear an answer that their product could solve. Next, they pitch without fully understanding if the prospect is truly a qualified buyer. When I experience this, I have to stop them, sometimes raising my voice saying “stop stop stop, I’m not a qualified buyer, you don’t need to pitch me. I’m not qualified! ”

Lao Tzu wrote, “To know that you do not know is best. To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease. Only when one recognizes the fault as a fault, can one be without fault.” (TTC#71)

Don’t interrupt. Questions are to sales as breath is to life. Slow down!

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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How to Get Buyers to Close Themselves #523

How to Get Buyers to Close Themselves #523

Do you struggle to close deals? Next to getting a sales appointment, closing is the second most difficult task when selling. Some think closing a deal and getting the prospect to put their name on the dotted line is a monumental task. You commonly hear that it takes an assertive winner-takes-all attitude to be successful in sales. But that’s not how it works with a Taoist perspective. I must confess, there is a certain truth to the idea of ABC, Always Be Closing. Because if you start off on the right foot,  with the intention to help your prospects, you’ll advance the sale by patiently with every answer to every question the buyer asks. Eventually, buyers close themselves. This is Wu-wei in action. That’s the topic for today.

Today’s Chapter: Advancing the Close

The Master Seller is curious.
With each question comes an answer.
With each answer, the water clears.
Step by step the sale advances.
Slowly both buyer and seller find common ground.

The impatient seller turns weak.
They lose their power when they lose connection
with the Tao of Sales Babble.
Deals evaporate like steam in the air.

The Master Seller does what needs doing
and does no more.
They work not for their benefit
but that of the buyer.

Today’s Story

Lee listened attentively to the presentation as Chris walked through Lee’s list of wants, needs, and company desires. Chris explained how their product addressed each item on the list. There was a lot of back and forth during the conversation. By the end of the sales call, both parties better understood the issues and potential solutions.

As the conversation wound down, Pat kept waiting, and waiting, for Chris to close the deal. Soon it would be too late.

Pat spoke up. “From what I understand, it sounds like we’ve addressed most of your needs, correct?”

Lee nodded. “Yes, except for the x.2 feature. You said that would be available first quarter of next year, right?”

“That’s right. But it sounds like you don’t need it right now, right?”


Pat went on. “So it sounds like if you installed our product into your facility, it would solve most of your needs, right?”

 “Yes. It does seem so.” agreed Lee.

Chris sat quietly, following the conversation like it was a tennis match.

Pat went on. “So if we wanted to start the rollout next month, who would take the lead in your facility?”

Lee paused, looked up to the right, and said,  “Oh, that would be Sam.”

“Great,” said Pat.  And then, with effortless action, the conversation turned to the contract, pricing, and schedule. The exchange flowed naturally and without a hard yes, the deal was won.

Afterward, Chris spoke, “Thanks Pat for kicking off the close. I couldn’t figure out how to get started. I appreciate your help.”

 “No problem,” said Pat. “It’s easy when you start the sale off the right foot. You answered all their questions and had already talked about schedule and pricing. All we needed was for them to agree to get started. The buyer closed themselves.”

Take Action Quote

It’s wrong thinking to believe sellers talk prospects into buying.

Lao Tzu wrote, “Those who use the Tao to advise the ruler, do not dominate the world with soldiers. Such methods backfire. The Master does their job and stops.” (TTC #30)

Selling isn’t a competition but instead a collaborative partnership. Each answered question advances you closer to understanding if you can help your prospect. Closing isn’t about memorizing scripts and tricking people into saying yes. Closing is about advancing closer to a solution that works for both the buyer and seller

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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What Bartenders Can Teach Sales People #522

What Bartenders Teach Sales People #522

Have you ever heard this quote from the stoic philosopher Epictetus? ‘We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.’  You probably have but way too many salespeople have never learned this lesson. Instead, as soon as there is a break in the conversation, they jump to a solution and start to pitch. And then they’re confused about why prospects don’t buy or return their calls. But consider a great bartender. They ask good questions and are more than happy to listen. Bar patrons are lonely for an empathetic ear and the same is true for your prospects. This is how bartenders build trust and a loyal following. You can do this too. Sellers can learn from bartenders by talking less and listening more. That’s the topic for today. 

Today’s Chapter: 

The Master Seller listens first
to understand
before being understood.

By asking
they receive,
creating opportunities.

Both bartender and psychologist,
the Master Seller listens.

Today’s Story

For a week, Chris worked on the new product presentation and was thrilled to meet the new prospects. Pat and Chris sat at the front of the room, excited to give the presentation. But to Chris’s surprise, that’s not what happened.

Pat kicked off the meeting by thanking the audience for the opportunity to present and then asked the prospects to restate their expectations for the meeting. This surprised Chris, since they had already had a discovery call. Pat asked about their challenges, struggles, things the prospects tried in the past, and frustrations the team was experiencing. Pat also asked about lost revenue, lost time to market, and lost hope. The conversation went on for 40 minutes.

After uncovering all the questions, it was time to share their solution. Pat went directly to the 7th slide in the presentation, talked for 10 minutes, and by the end of the conversation, the prospects agreed to pilot a test project. This was good news!

After exiting the conference room, Chris turned to Pat and said, “Wow, that didn’t go at all the way I thought it would go. We never even showed them the presentation.”

“You’re right!” said Pat, “But great sellers listen first to understand, before pitching a solution. We did that. They appreciated it, and that’s how we advanced the sale. Sometimes, all a customer is looking for is an empathetic ear. We gave them what they wanted.”

Take Action Quote

There is a myth that great sellers are great talkers. In truth, great sellers are great listeners. Excessive and verbose presentations turn off prospective buyers who desire solutions, not entertainment.

Lao Tzu wrote, “Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know. Close your mouth, be still. Relax. Stay out of the spotlight. Shut the doors. Smooth out the sharpness, Be at one with the Tao.”

There are limitations to canned speeches and presentations. Showing empathy and restraint in talking is the best way to understand what buyers need, and discern if you can help. You can find wisdom in silence.

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

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If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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The Grow Fast Podcast with Mark Shriner #521

The Grow Fast Podcast with Mark Shriner #521

I had the good fortune to be a guest on Mark Shriner’s new Grow Fast Podcast. Mark and I talked about selling, Taoism, and the power of podcasting. Mark graciously gave permission to have this interview shared with the Sales Babble listeners. I’m excited to share this babbling today!

The Dao of Sales, or How to Sell without “Selling”

Mark described the interview this way “Pat Helmers is the Host of the Sales Babble Podcast. Pat is also the Founder of Habanero Media and a tech startup consultant. In this episode, Pat talks about the book he’s writing called The Dao of Sales Babble and explains how, oftentimes, it’s much more productive and rewarding, not to force sales. Instead, Pat argues, that we would do better trying to sincerely understand our prospect’s needs, and helping them to meet those needs. Mark and Pat also discuss opportunities for new podcasters and the benefits of hosting a niche podcast.”

How To Find Mark Shriner and Grow Fast Podcast

The Grow Fast Podcast talks to leading sales, marketing, and business development professionals about how companies can accelerate sales, optimize marketing, and grow their businesses fast!

The Grow Fast Podcast is brought to you by memoQ RPF, the fastest, easiest, and lowest-cost way for small and medium-sized businesses to respond to RFPs, RFIs, and other import business documents.

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking. Do you have a question or a comment you’d like to share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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The Perfect Apology #520

The Perfect Apology #520

We all make mistakes, it’s part of being human. The same is true in business. Companies screw up to the detriment of their customers. When this happens, it often falls on the sales professional to apologize, even if they had nothing to do with it.  How about your personal life? Have you wronged someone but struggled to say you’re sorry in a way that prompted forgiveness? Did they accept your apology?  This is the human experience where too often our egos get in the way and we refuse to admit we’re wrong. Or if we do apologize we layer on excuses to make us feel better but it does nothing to further forgiveness. What can we do, to make wrongs right? This is the topic for today, the perfect sales apology.

Today’s Chapter

I was wrong,
completely wrong.
At the time, I had my reasons
but it doesn’t change the fact
I was wrong.

How can I make this right?

Today’s Story

The company screwed up, and Chris was the first to learn it. The customer had gone ballistic and was threatening to yank the contract. There was a flurry of calls, with an entire weekend devoted to solving the issue. Now Chris was innocent and had nothing to do with the misstep. Customer service dropped the ball, creating a devastating situation. This was the first time Chris had experienced something like this. It was such a debacle. 

Pat turned to Chris and said, “I know it’s not your fault. It’s the company’s fault. But since you have the relationship with the customer, it falls on you to apologize. And there is only one way to do this – take full responsibility.”

“This stinks!” said Chris. “I guess it makes sense for me to talk to them. But what should I say?”

“Well,” said Pat, “Tell them it’s all on us. Tell them we completely missed the mark. Make sure they know they have every right to be angry with us. We’re wrong and we want to make things right. Ask them what it will take to fix this. We want to keep them as a customer and make sure other customers don’t catch wind. The company’s committed to doing what it takes to fix this. And when this is all done, put processes in place so it never happens again.”

“I got it,” said Chris, and that afternoon Chris called the client.

Take Action Quote

Instead of dwelling on past errors or passing the buck, it’s always best to take responsibility for one’s actions.

Lao Tzu wrote, “Failure is an opportunity. If you blame someone else, there is no end to the blame. Therefore, the Master fulfills their obligations and corrects their own mistakes. They do what needs to be done and demand nothing of others.”

Mistakes happen in business and it’s best to own your failures. Ben Franklin wrote, “Never ruin an apology with an excuse.” When people are wronged, they want to be heard and acknowledged. This is when a sincere and full apology can quickly diffuse a bad situation. It’s the only way to move forward.

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discussed all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most importantly the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking. Do you have a question or a comment you’d like to share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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You Can’t Win Them All #519

You Can’t Win Them All #519

When it comes to selling, the importance of flexibility, gentleness, and resilience when facing adversity is often overlooked. It’s easy to get stuck on a deal and put too much energy into it due to some sunk-cost fallacy. Don’t do that!  In today’s episode, we discuss about on how rigidity and resistance lead to defeat, while flexibility and adaptability lead to victory. Next, we remind ourselves what  Tao Te Ching says about softness and weakness and how it can ultimately overcome hardness and strength. As deals come and go, Master Sellers embrace change and go with the flow with the natural course of events. Go with the flow!

Today’s Chapter: Time To Quit Selling

Some deals close.
Some not.
Some clients are loyal.
Some not.
Some problems solvable.
Some not.

Despite tenacity and persistence
you can’t win them all.

Why waste time grieving the loss?
Another opportunity awaits.

TTC #76

Today’s Story

Pat and Chris met for a midyear performance review. It had been a busy year and Chris had done some very good work. Part of the process included reviewing the year’s pipeline. The review included deals won and lost opportunities, too. Chris took responsibility for the losses. Too much responsibility thought Pat.

“I just don’t get it,” started Chris. “Look at the ADC deal. I thought for sure they would close. And how about our Max LLC client?  I can’t believe they left us! We’ve bent over backward for them time and time again. I don’t know what to say.”

Pat leaned in. “You spent a lot of time trying to get them back, didn’t you?”

“I did.”

“Maybe too much?”


Pat nodded. “It’s disappointing! And it’s baffling. But if I’ve learned anything, no deal is for certain and no client remains loyal forever.  Our clients are things we can have, but not hold. We have to expect a certain amount of loss and when that happens, pivot our energy. There’s always something new around the corner. Let’s work on that.”

Take Action Quote

Lao Tzu wrote, “The stiff and unbending is the disciple of death. The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life. Thus, an army without flexibility never wins a battle. A tree that is unbending is easily broken.”

It’s been said that winners never quit, and quitters never win. But what about those who never quit and never win? This is insanity, according to Einstein; doing the same thing over and over, only to get the same result. Persistence is all well and good. But sometimes the best thing to do is to cut your losses and move to the next opportunity. The tree that bends in the wind survives the storm.

Listen here on YouTube

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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The Tao of Storytelling Selling #518

The Tao of Storytelling Selling #518

Let me tell you a story. It’s not a story of lost love or intrigue. Nobody’s murdered, nor is society thrust into a dystopian future. Instead, this is a story about stories. It’s a story about showing, not telling, and selling with storytelling. Storytelling Selling. It’s a tale with both heroes and villains with adventures and drama tied into capturing the interest of prospects in a way that they identify with your fable. Today’s episode explores ways a personal story can turn prospects into heroes and, in time, loyal clients.

Today’s Chapter

A story breathes life into the unexplainable.
It flows into places where prospects are quick to reject
and think impossible.

In framing, highlight the struggle.
In sharing, go deep in the heart.
In discussing obstacles, be gentle and kind.
In speech, speak to the challenge.
In overcoming, express the joy of success.
In business, the protagonist becomes the hero.
In action, watch the timing.
until prospects see a sliver of hope.

TTC #8

Today’s Story

Chris listened in on Pat’s cold call recordings. Call after call, Pat would start telling success stories of happy clients. The stories were compelling, starting with the challenge the buyer faced, the unhappiness they experienced, what it was like rolling out the new solution, and the positive results that came. In all cases, the buyer was the hero of the story.

Tale after tale was inspirational, authentic, and persuasive.

“Are these stories real?” asked Chris. “They seem too good to be true!”

“They are!” responded Pat. “It’s heartwarming to know that we’ve been able to help so many clients and it’s fun to share the success stories. When prospects hear these tales they immediately put themselves in the story and identify with the hero. They can feel the story in their bones. It’s the story of their life.”

“Really?” said Chris, sitting up.

“Oh, yes!” replied Pat. “Sometimes a story can say in a few words what a spec sheet would take an hour. When you share an authentic story, it will resonate. Learn the stories. Make them a part of you. Pass on the wisdom that will create loyal clients.”

Take Action Quote

The Tao Te Ching “The highest good is like water. Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive. It flows in places men reject and so is like the Tao.”

The same is true of stories. A story can seep into the buyer’s mind and flow to places where no amount of logic and data could ever have a chance. Draw upon your existing customer’s success as examples for new prospects. Practice sharing stories about how they came to be clients and their buying journey. Be able to tell the story both fast and slow, matching the pace of your prospect. Give them space to ask questions, especially questions prompted by the story. Once they identify with your clients, they step on the path of becoming new clients someday.


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How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

You can be yourself when selling. It’s all about helping others with their challenges and aspirations. I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it. Learn the selling secrets for non-sellers and start making a difference today. Here is the entire back catalog of episodes in the sales podcast.  Look here

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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Why No Two Buyers Are Alike #452

Why No Two Buyers Are Alike #452

Ever get in a situation where you think you have a handle on selling and then you meet a prospect who’s 180 degrees out of sync with that strategy? Confusing right?  In today’s episode we delve into the reality that no two  buyers are alike. Lao Tze wrote often about actionless-action of wu wei or what we commonly call being in the zone. In this state, there is no past and no future, there is only the present. In the present we accept buyers for who they are, making no assumptions and allowing them to buy, the way they want to buy. That’s the topic for today.

Today’s Chapter: No Two Buyers Are Alike

Some want quick answers
Others copious details
Some a relationship
Others the bottom line
Some see purchasing a necessary evil
Others a social event.

The Master Seller discovers the prospect’s buying style
And tunes their presentation accordingly.

Meeting the buyer where they’re at
The sales process is crafted as needed.

Today’s Story

Chris and Pat met for lunch to get caught up on the day. . Chris was unhappy about the morning calls. “I just don’t get it”. Chris bemoaned. “I met with this prospect and tried to explain as simply as possible the benefits of  the new services package and respect their time but they kept diverting the conversation to a number of topics, news, sports and staffing issues and before I knew it, we had to end the call since the time ran out. Frustrating!” 

Pat asked “Did you do anything different on this call than other sales calls?”  “Nope” responded Chris “I followed the same presentation that’s worked a 100 times.”  

Pat nodded “Some buyers are like that. It’s lonely at the top and some love to talk and talk and talk. Which is confusing for sellers because some buyers just want to get down to brass tacks. The truth is no two people are the alike and the same is true for our buyers. Success depends on our ability to conform to the way our prospects want to buy. Relax, these people want to get to know you. Be patient, build trust and it will all work out”

Take Action Quote

The comedian Chris Rock once said

“I have no idea what my best material is. Different people like different things. I’ll say this: The political stuff gets the press, but the relationship jokes sell all the seats.”  

The same is true for master sellers. What works on one buyer probably won’t work on another. The key is to be flexible and focus on building a relationship.

Habanero Media Network

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This is the Cannabis Advocate Podcast 

How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See

I’ve interviewed 100s of sales experts and discuss all things sales: prospecting, qualifying, value propositions, presentations, demos, closing, generating referrals, earning references, upselling, marketing, lead generation, copywriting, and most important the right selling mindset. Stop fearing sales and embrace it.

This is a production of Habanero Media

Got a Question?

Something about today’s episode got you thinking? Do you have a question or a comment you’d like share?

If so “babble me” an email here, or if you can’t wait chat Pat now.

Maybe you’d like to share your musings on the podcast? Leave a voice message here. We’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t worry about babbling, we prefer it.


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