How To Know When a Buying Sign is Not a Buying Sign #473

How To Know When a Buying Sign is Not a Buying Sign #473

I don’t know about you but more than once I’ve lied to myself that I was going to close a deal.  I would invent a story that the prospect was showing buying signs like asking good questions, explaining how they could use it in their situation, and sharing they want to make a decision quickly. But when all is said and done,  they never committed, never bought  and I never really I had a chance because I was  fooling myself. In fact I purposely avoided questions that could have  shed light on their hesitancy.  But like I said I was a fool. Now  The Tao talks about the risk of overvaluing and delves deep into the pitfalls  of attachment and  the troubles that come when things don’t work out. These days I’m all about being honest Which brings us to today’s topic:  When is a buying sign not a buying sign?

Today’s Chapter: Risks of Assumption

Objections are best solved while they are easy,
Sooner they are addressed the better.
Important deals are best started while they are small.
The Master seller never takes on more than they can handle,
which means that they leave nothing in the sale undone.

When buying signals are given too lightly,
keep your eyes open for trouble ahead.
When something seems too easy,
The devil is in the details.
The Master Seller expects great difficulty,
so the deal is always easier than planned.

Today’s Story

Pat was excited to meet for Chris’s one-on-one. 

“How is that Lee deal going” asked Pat “They should be signing the order this week, right?”

Crestfallen and eyes down Chris responded, “Yeah… that’s not going to happen.”

“Really?” said Pat. “What went wrong?”

Chris answered, “Lee is very excited about our service and thinks it’s a good match. And Lee was certain they would buy. I trusted it was a done deal. But then it unraveled….”

“How so?”, said Pat. 

“Lee took our solution to their team and they found one issue after another. Then Lee’s boss got involved and financing became a problem. It’s just a big mess”

“So why did you get our onboarding team scheduled and staffed long before this deal was set?” asked Pat.

Chris was silent.

Pat spoke. “Hope is not a strategy, a plan is a strategy. The best strategy is allowing deals to unfold on their own schedule. Hoping otherwise is a fool’s errand”.

Take Action Quote

Author  Molly Friedenfeld wrote

“Assuming is a form of giving away your power to another regarding an outcome that concerns you.”

Hope is a very unruly emotion. It leads us to assume things that are not necessarily real, and, more dangerously, it leads us to do nothing when action is required. Taoism teaches that we should live in a state of harmony with the universe, and the energy found in it.  Ch’i, or qi, is the energy present and guiding everything in the universe. Each deal has its own qi. Cultivate that qi and unfounded assumptions will evaporate.


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How to Connect with Pat Helmers at Sales Babble

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