A couple weeks ago I was interviewed by Kingsley Grant for his podcast Choose Your Best Life Now and it was just published this week! Kingsley’s podcast is focused on the belief that you can live your best life now at this stage of your life – the Midlife Stage. You may not know this but I qualify for being a Midlife guy. Yes yes yes… I know you’re surprised, but I’m no spring chicken.
Kingsley did an expert job of drawing out a number of my thoughts on this subject:
- Keep yourself in a flexible state so that you can make necessary adjustments along the way
- Life goes by very quickly, therefore do not waste a moment of it
- Reach into your heart, see your passion and give value to it
- You’ve taken years to know what you now know to throw it all away for retirement
- Believe in your product when pricing and selling
- True happiness comes from serving other people. The more you give of yourself in serving them the more you’ll receive.
- Use a scratch off list to help keep you on task
You can find the episode here:
Kingsley is a marriage and family therapist, life coach, author and motivational speaker. Please take a moment to listen to the interview. I speak quite a bit about sales too!
Pat did a great job on this interview. He obviously knows what he is talking about when it comes to sales. He lends his expertise to help shape the conversation around sales and the importance of it. I like the way Pat takes the complex and make simple.