Business and Marketing Strategies That Work with Jason Van Orden #290

Business and Marketing Strategies That Work with Jason Van Orden #290

Jason Van Orden Sales BabbleIn this episode we meet digital marketing expert Jason Van Orden. Jason is the  author and former host of the Internet Business Mastery podcast. Jason’s podcast and marketing course shaped Sales Babble in its early years.  Jason and I babble  about business and marketing strategies. Next we discuss  the sales process and how to find the perfect audience for your products and services. Lastly, we discuss how marketing has changed in the last six years and what you can do to stand out from the crowd.

Top 3 Strategy Questions

Ask yourself the following questions regarding your market:

    1. Who are you serving ? Who do you want to benefit from your expertise? If you’re unclear about that, you’re marketing and sales campaign will fall flat.
    2. What is the outcome your customers want? What are the results that matter to them?  You should focus on the needs, outcomes and aspirations. Don’t get overly fixated on the solution. This is a common mistake. Instead define messaging in terms of outcomes. When speaking about outcomes, the solution will naturally come up during conversation.
    3. What is the the conversation they’re are already having in their mind? Speak in this context since they are already open for a solution.

Marketing is harder due to the fact the noise level has gone up. Listen don’t talk. Don’t make any assumptions.  Have true conversations everywhere you go: conferences, network meetings, zoom calls and coffee meetups. Interview  about challenges and ask about stories and experience.

Not Leading the Witness

Don’t do this and say “I have this idea and I want to know what you think….”    People will tell you what you want to hear.  Instead search for an unmet need and then see i you’re a fit. Use their own words and language to market and sell to them.

When you use their words they will say “Wow it’s like you’re reading my mind!”   Instead of telling,  have empathy and walk in their shoes. Jason mentioned the book the Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick, How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you.

How To Find Jason Van Orden

You can find Jason here at and you can find him on social media:

Selling With Confidence Online Sales Class

Learn How To Start Selling With Confidence

Sales and Marketing Alignment

Here are other episodes that delve into business and marketing strategies from the past. Listen now!