SB017 | How Fear Clutters the Sales Process, An Interview with Debbie Ruston

Debbie RustonDebbie Ruston is  entrepreneur and sales trainer who is taking an active stand for human potential. At her company Success Educator, Debbie provides Entrepreneurial Leadership Education for individuals and groups addressing fears in both the corporate and educational sectors.

In this episode we talk about how to push through fear and take action anyway. We learn how fear may always be part of us, but if you  face it and continue to move forward you will be surprised  how capable you are.

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In This Episode Fear

The topics we cover include:

  • Fear is a common experience in sales
  • Professional sellers push through the fear anyway
  • The importance of having passion about your product or service
  • Sellers need to take the leadership roles to service their clients
  • People want to buy, they don’t want to be sold
  • Don’t get attached to the sale, care about the clients and let them decide.
  • Honesty is  truly the best policy, it makes for repeat sales
  • Force vs Flow
  • Trust yourself and your ability to connect with others.

Items of Interest

We also  mentioned  the following resources:

Breakthrough Fear

Consider the things you fear when starting a sale. Then consider the consequences of the deal going poorly vs the deal not happening at all. Hesitation and procrastination are just as likely, if not more likely,  to kill a deal than you saying something wrong. The trick is to be aware of the fear, push through it and take action anyway.

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If you recall two weeks ago we kicked off a  contest for Thomas Ellis’s  book How to Close More Sales Today,Tomorrow, and Forever   Today I’d like to announce that  Sherva Joseph  of Maryland is the winner.  Congratulations!

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